2010, Jun 15
Board of Trustees Meeting
Philo Public Library District
Box 199, 115 E. Washington St.
Philo Illinois 61864
Board Meeting Date:Â Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 7:00 p.m.,
Open To the Public
I. Roll Call
II. Session with Attorney Ken Beth1. Board Meeting Dates 2010-2011 Ordinance
2. Maintenance Tax Ordinance
3. Prevailing Wage Ordinance
4. Consideration of Next Years Budget and Levy
III. Election of PPLD Officers
IV. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
V. Officer Reports:
1. President            4. Treasurer
2. Vice-President       5. Lincoln Trails Rep.
3. Secretary            6. Friends of the Library Rep.
VI. Correspondence and Communication
VII. Committee Reports:
1. Technology            4. Automation
2. Landscape               5. Personnel: Vacations
3. Memorial
VIII. Director Report
1. Review: Serving Our Public; ByLaws; Core Standards; Personnel
2. Statistics
3. Display Cases Stability
IX. Assistant Director Report
1. Summer Activities
X. Children’s Librarian Report
1. Summer Activities
XI. Continuing & Unfinished Business:
1. Possible Partial Payment for Chairs
XII. New Business
Posted 6/12/10,  4:00 p.m. dt