2014, June 17
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Philo Public Library District
115 E. Washington St., P. O. Box 199
Philo, Illinois 61864
Date of Meeting: June 17, 2014
Meeting Is Open To the Public
I. Roll Call
II. Attorney Kenneth Beth Presenting Ordinances for New FY
1. Board Meeting Dates 2014-2015
2. Maintenance Tax
3. Prevailing Wage
4. Next FY Year Budget Considerations
III. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
IV. Officer Reports:
1. President                     4. Treasurer
2. Vice-President          5. Illinois Heartland Representative
3. Secretary                    6. Friends of the Library Representative
V. Correspondence and Communications: IH Not Requiring Additional Catalog Training
VI. Committee Reports:
1. Technology                 4. Personnel: Sue Vacation time August 1-11
2. Landscape:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 5. Other
3. Memorial
VII. Director’s Report
1. Dream Grant Free Thermal Printer; Paper $156/Case?
2. IPLAR Being Input, Per Capita Link Requested
3. May Statistics, MyMediaMall #’s Now Available
4. IH Reports for Missing/Lost and Transits Being Worked On
VIII. Assistant Director’s Report:
1. Summer Programs
IX. Children’s Librarian Report:
1. Summer Programs
X. Continuing & Unfinished Business
1. Personnel: Director’s Position
2. EBSCO Magazine Order, Or New Sub-Committee?
XI. New Business
1. Staff Contracts for New FY
1. Non-Resident Fee for New FY (Suggest Leaving It At $100)
2. IH Cataloging Option for New FY?
3. Election of Board Officers for New FY
Posted 6-14-14, 2:00 PM, dt