
2014 April 15

Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Philo Public Library District
115 E. Washington St., P. O. Box 199
Philo, Illinois 61864
7:00 PM,  April 15, 2014, Meeting Is Open to the Public

I.  Roll Call

II.  Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting

III. Officer Reports:
1. President                  5. Ill. Heartland: Polaris Bought Out By
2. Vice-President                    Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
3. Secretary                  6. Friends of the Library Representative
4. Treasurer

IV. Correspondence and Communications: Co. Clk’s Tax Cap Letter to Attorney Ken Beth

V.  Committee Reports:
1. Technology                  4. Personnel: Director to Not Renew Contract
2. Landscape                                                                         In July 2014.
3. Memorial

VI. Director’s Report
1. March Statistics
2. Donations: C-U Herb Soc. $100; Real Est. Inst. 3 Tests (x $20 each)
3. National Library Week
4. Per Capita Grant Requirements:
A. Review Standards Chapter 7
B. Ed. & Training
C. Technology, the Edge “Claimed”
D. 1 Bd Member Webinar,

VII. Assistant Director’s Report:
1. Spring Activities

VIII. Children’s Librarian Report:
1. Spring Activities

IX. Continuing & Unfinished Business
1. Consider Kingsley Outdoor Video Dropbox from Rice Memorial

X. New Business
1.  Continue Lawn Care with CJ Decker?
2.  Consider Carpet Cleaning?
3.  Revise PPLD Computer Policy & Collection Development Policy

Posted: 4-12-14, 2:00 PM