2013, May 21

Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Philo Public Library District

115 E. Washington St., P. O. Box 199

Philo, Illinois 61864

Date of Meeting: May 21, 2013


I. Roll Call

II. Mary Simon, Volunteer Activities

III. Swearing In Elected Board Members

IV. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

V. Officer Reports:

1. President                                       4. Treasurer

2. Vice-President                              5. Illinois Heartland Representative

3. Secretary                                      6. Friends of the Library Representative

VI. Correspondence and Communications:

VII. Committee Reports:

1. Technology                                            4. Personnel: Jill’s Vacation

2. Landscape: Pat S. Retiring, Replace?       5. Other

3. Memorial: Rice Update

VIII. Director’s Report

1. Review of State Requirements: Chapter 10 (Standards for Ill. Pub. Lib.),

Marketing, Promotion and Collaboration.

2. April Statistics

3. New Computer Adjustments

IX. Assistant Director’s Report:

1. Summer Programs

2. Furniture Donations


X. Children’s Librarian Report:

1. Summer Programs


XI. Continuing & Unfinished Business

1. Staff Off-Desk Hours


XII. New Business

1. AR Testing To Be Held at PPLD

2. Non-Resident Fee Likely to Increase

3. Rose AC Proposal

4. Consider Sue H. Working on Rotating Large Print

5. Will A. Retiring from Can Collecting