2016, May 17
Board of Trustees Meeting
Philo Public Library District
Box 199, 115 E. Washington St.
Philo, Illinois 61864
(217) 684-2896 Fax (217) 684-2719
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Time: 7:00 p.m., at Philo Library
I. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
IV. Officer Reports:
1. President    4. Treasurer
2. Vice-President 5. Illinois Heartland Rep.
3. Secretary   6. Friends of the Library Rep
V. Correspondence and Communication:
1. OCLC Renewal Notice
VI. Committee Reports:
1. Technology
2. Landscape-Don Pippin
3. Personnel
VII. Director’s Report
1. Attended Share Semi-Annual Meeting May 4th by Vtel at Champaign office.
2. Voted on Share revised policies and board members.
3. April Statistics
VIII. Assistant Director’s Report
IX. Children’s Librarian Report
X. Continuing & Unfinished Business:
1. Review/Revise Non-Resident card policy and fee.
XI. New Business
1. Review/revise PPLD Borrowing Privileges-Registration policy
2. Review PPLD Computer Policy
3. Staff contracts
This meeting is open to the public
Posted 7 p.m. May 15 , 2016 dp